Rainbird Maxipaw Part/Full Circle Impact Pop Up

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Sale price$52.50


Rain Bird 2045A Maxi-Paw

Pop-Up Impact Sprinklers for Dirty Water Applications - Spacing Up to 45 Feet (13.7 m)

The Maxi-Paw's powerful throw permits maximum spacing and offers superior close-in watering and uniform water distribution. Low pressure loss and an efficient, straight-through flow design conserve energy and are ideal for dirty water applications.

The optional Seal-A-Matic™ prevents run-off, puddling, and erosion caused by low head drainage. And most important, it's rugged and dependable, popping up on schedule again and again because of the multi-function wiper seal.


  • Proven impact drive with straight-through flow for superior performance in dirty water
  • Five standard trajectory and two low angle (LA) color-coded nozzles for matched precipitation and in a wide range of applications
  • 360° full-circle OR arc adjustable from 20° to 340°
  • Side and combination ½” or ¾” bottom inlet for design flexibility (Maxi-Paw)
  • 3 year warranty


Rain Bird Maxi-Paw spec sheet

Official Rain Bird 2045A Maxi-Paw webpage

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