The Ideal Grey Water Hose for Caravan and Mobile Home Use
Any regular caravan and mobile home user will understand the many challenges of living on the move. One of them is how you dispose of your grey water properly and easily without wasting too much effort.
An obvious solution is to get rid of it using a bucket but that only works for low volumes of water and you'll soon get fed up of doing it. A more practical and long-term solution is to buy a grey water hose that will easily solve the problem. It may not be the most exciting product you'll buy but it will help to make your trip go much smoother.
Buying your Grey Water Hose Online
Grey water is the waste water from your sink, washbowl or shower. A lot of caravan parks have designated sullage points and insist that all grey water is transferred to them. Those that don't have sullage points, however, will often ask that you drain your grey water to planted areas so that trees, shrubs and grass will benefit from it.
Grey water hoses are perfect to do this because you can run a grey water hose from your caravan's waste water outlet directly to the sullage drain or to the designated planted area. You will need a hose that fits your caravan's outlet tightly and securely, so we have varying diameters to meet your needs. In general, a hose with a 25 mm internal diameter is ideal to handle the high volume of water coming from showers in particular since there is no danger of the water backing up and causing problems.
The distance from your caravan to the drainage point will obviously vary between sites and you will normally use the shortest possible length of hose to reach it. To allow for this, we at The Irrigation Shop do supply different lengths and you can join two or more hoses using our caravan grey water hose fittings to connect them securely.
Dependability and Ease of Use
All our grey water hoses conform to Australian Standard AS2620-1 and are UV protected so they're durable and weather resistant to prevent them from cracking and leaking. They're a distinctive lilac colour and plainly labelled for grey water use so they can't be confused and used for potable water by mistake.
The hoses have a smooth internal bore, so they won't become clogged with any particles that are present in the water. They're also sufficiently supple to bend around corners and to be coiled for storage when not in use, are quick to install, are extremely reliable when disposing of your waste water and are very easy to keep clean so they don't take up too much of your time.
Using our high-quality grey water hoses means you'll never have a problem disposing of your grey water and so have more time to concentrate on your leisure activities. The same goes for all our farm irrigation equipment, galvanised pipe fittings and other products. Browse our website to see the full range of products or get in touch if you need help in choosing. Read Less