Hunter solenoid Mounted Adjustable Pressure Regulator 20psi-100psi


Sale price$72.82


Regulating pressure saves water and extends the life of the irrigation system. Saving water is achieved through regulation by operating each zone at the optimal pressure for that equipment and application type. Accu Sync is a simple pressure regulator designed to be compatible with all of Hunter’s control valves. The adjustable model enables the zone pressure to be set anywhere between 1.4 and 7 bar (140 to 700 kPa), while fixed models remove the guesswork and can be installed throughout any system easily. From a reliability standpoint, Accu Sync is unparalleled. Glass-filled nylon construction makes the Accu Sync strong enough to handle the rigors of any project. No matter which model you choose, all zones stay in tune with Accu Sync.


Hunter Accu-Sync spec sheet

Official Hunter Accu-Sync website

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